Fabio Dovis
Management Board
Fabio Dovis (Ph.D) is an associate professor at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of Politecnico di Torino. He strongly contributed to the creation of a research group named Navigation Signal Analysis and Simulation – NavSAS -, specializing the telecommunication skills in the satellite navigation field. The group is a joint group of Politecnico di Torino and LINKS foundation and it is currently composed of 30 people (professors, researchers, Ph.D students). His research interest cover many aspects related to Satellite navigation and positioning: Form the design of GPS and Galileo receivers, to advanced signal processing for mitigation of multipath, interference and spoofing detection and mitigation, ionospheric monitoring. As of 2019 prof. Dovis supervised 13 Ph.D students on topics related to satellite navigation and positioning. He has a relevant experience in European projects in satellite navigation as well as cooperation with industries and research centers. He is also Associated to the Italian Space Agency with the specific tasks of national representative in the international committees discussing the evolution of the Galileo system.
Email: fabio.dovis@polito.it